Thursday, December 27, 2012

A new year ahead... Time to set some goals

I've been pretty remiss in my postings of late.  Amazing how busy life can get!  And suddenly it's the end of 2012 and 2013 is looming in the not-so-distant future.  WOW!  I've never been very good at resolutions, so this year I'm going to try putting some goals out there instead.
A Garufa's Goals for 2013
  • Practice random acts of kindness
  • Cook more (can't let Neil have all the fun!)
  • Paleo!
  • Get to CrossFit 4x (or more) a week
    • 10 unbroken double unders!
    • An unassisted pull up!
    • A handstand push up!
  • Ride 50 miles in the Chuckanut Century (Sept. 15)
  • Participate in the Run Like a Girl 1/2 marathon (Oct. 15)
I am posting these to help keep myself accountable and to encourage anyone that may read this to keep me accountable as well.  I am ditching the usual 'start a diet' 'eat better' 'lose X amount of pounds' stuff and instead want to focus on giving back and being as healthy as I can be.

So here's to a New Year -- may we all be blessed!

A Try at Canning...

Okay, for many of you, you're probably laughing out loud right now at the thought of me canning.  Well pbbbtthhhhhhhhh!  I did it!  Well, I think I did it.  I'll know better in a couple of weeks when I get to pop the top and do some sampling.  Here's what I did - stay tuned for a report on the results:

Spicy Dilly Beans -- LOVE these in a Spicy Caesar!  (For those of  you reading this that live farther than 50 miles from the Canadian border... a 'spicy caesar' is not a salad!  It's like a Bloody Mary, but uses Clamato juice instead of tomato juice.  VERY tasty!)

2 lbs fresh green beans - snap off the ends and (if needed) cut them down so they will fit into a pint-sized wide-mouth canning jar [I probably used about 6 or 7 pounds, but 2 lbs of beans should give you 4 pints]

Prepare your jars -- they need to be clean and then placed in boiling water for 10 minutes.  Same thing for the lids and the rings.  Remove the jars/lids/rings but keep your water simmering away.  You need a LARGE canning pot [I don't have one, so used a crab cooker instead - worked okay as long as I had full basket of jars, but things got a little wild on my last batch when I only had 3 jars and they started sliding around in the boiling water]

In a stockpot, prepare your brine [if using more beans - adjust amounts accordingly]:
  • 2 1/2 cups white vinegar
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup canning salt [I used Kosher salt]

Bring this to a boil - and then let it just simmer away on the stove.

Start packing your jars...
Lay the jar on it's side and then start laying in the green beans until they are pretty darn full.  The tops of the beans should be about 1/4 inch (or more) from the top of the jar.

To each jar add:
  • A clove or 2 of garlic [I added 4]
  • A couple sprigs of fresh dill
  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper [didn't have enough, so used 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes instead]
  • Ladle brine into jar until it comes to 1/4 inch from the top of the jar

Place lid onto jar (make sure that there is a clean seal and no dill fronds get caught) and then seal with the ring.  Pack the jars into your canning rack and submerge into boiling water -- water level has to come over the tops of the jars.  Once the pot returns to a roiling boil, start your timer and let it go for 5 minutes.
Carefully remove the jars and place on a towel on your counter.  As they cool, you should hear a distinct POP as they seal.  Leave them be for 12 hours and then push down on each lid -- there shouldn't be any movement.  If the lid does go up and down when you press on it, then use this jar first and store the others for a minimum of 2 weeks before trying. 

UPDATE:  Popped these open at Thanksgiving and they turned out AMAZING!  Nice crunch - great flavor!  Gave them away as Christmas gifts and will definitely be making more next year.



Saturday, September 15, 2012

The end of the Paleo Challenge...

I wish I could exclaim that I have wonderful news and that I kicked the challenge's ass, but not this time.  The good news is that I have a newfound awareness of what I eat and how it effects me; and I can happily report that I lost 6.5 pounds.  But as for the fat percentage loss... Well, those numbers were rather baffling.  Oh well.  I know in my heart that what I am doing is right.  To eat wholesome, organic, local foods... To dump the breads and pastas that make me feel horrible for hours after I eat them... And to push myself to walk into that box (gym) at least 4 times a week... These are all steps in the right direction for a happy, healthy life, and I just have to believe that if I keep doing what I'm doing, that someday that damn "muffin top" will be a thing of the past!
There is a great t-shirt I've seen with the saying "stronger than yesterday".  Hell yes I am!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Paleo Challenge -- the last week!

Just 6 days left of the Paleo Challenge!  I admit, I have not been 100%.  But those times that I cheated, I made sure that I REALLY enjoyed my cheat and then I moved on and got back to a Paleo lifestyle again.  The trick is to not beat yourself up and to think "well, I goofed, I guess I'm done with the challenge".  Heck no!  Start fresh with your very next meal and just keep trying to do your best.  I've been more than frustrated with the lack of movement on the bathroom scale but I just hope that there are changes going on on the inside that I just can't see.  The upcoming bod-pod reading will definitely be interesting.  Fingers are crossed!

Monday, August 27, 2012


My husband and I are parents to 2 dogs.  Yes, I said 'parents'.  Call it 'timing'; call it 'life choices'; call it whatever you like, but as I entered my mid-to-late 30's I knew that your typical kind of motherhood was not in my future.  Ok.  So I am the proud adopted mother of 2 dogs.  I've raised them from small pups; took them to school; made them study their lessons; engage them in 'sports'; take them to the doctor; care for them when they are sick, and make sure that they have grown up to be good canine citizens.  If you ask me, that's a parent.
I never grew up with dogs.  My parents liked a more independent kind of household pet, so cats were the pet of choice.  I got my first dog, Mocha, only because my girlfriend had just gotten a puppy and just happened to mention that there was a sister that also needed a home.  I was living on 10 acres at the time, so space wasn't really an issue, and she was pretty stinking cute.  A mix of (as best we can tell) Malamute, German Shepherd and Border Collie.  Or 'Mala-mutt' for short.  If I had a nickle for every time I was stopped on the street and asked "what kind of dog is that?", I'd be a very rich woman.  She's about 12 1/2 now and a more faithful companion, I don't think I'll ever find.  Through a divorce and countless other life-drama events, she has always been my friend and confidant.  She is my 'heart dog'.  And not to sound conceited, but I have been the focus of her world since the first day I picked her up.  She's just that kind of dog.

And then, there's Mambo.  When Mocha was about 6, I had the grand idea that maybe she'd be happy with a friend to share her day.  So I contacted the Alternative Humane Society and was introduced to a litter of pups that they had just rescued from a local Indian reservation.  Momma-dog was about 65 pounds - same size as Mocha - and was a mix of Lab and Rhodesian Ridgeback.  Okay, that seemed like it could be a good match for Mocha.  The one problem with rescuing a mutt is that it's like reaching your hand into a grab bag.. you are never quite sure what you are going to get.  Mambo - now 6 - has matured into a 125 pound lovable lunkhead of a dog.  He's my ADD child.  Gung-ho to chase the ball... until a butterfly goes by his nose and then it's 'what ball?'.

So these are my 'kids' and I love them dearly.  They ask for very little in life and yet give back so much.  Not a day goes by that I don't see the love in Mocha's eyes and have to smile.  Or have to just sit down and belly-laugh at something Mambo has just done.
So, if you come to my house, be prepared to leave with a few strands of dog hair on your clothes and maybe you'll find a toy dropped in your purse.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lemongrass Tea

One of the toughest things (for me) on this Paleo Challenge has been coming up with things to drink.... of course there's the obligatory commuter mug of coffee in the mornings, but then what?  Water gets a little boring.  I used to add a package of Crystal Light to my water during the day - and then of course there was the wine at night.  But Crystal Light has sugar (or some sugar substitute) in it, so that's out.  And the wine... yeah, I already told you about that one.
So I dug through my Primal Blueprint cookbooks and found Lemongrass Tea.  So easy - and very refreshing!

Lemongrass Tea
4 cups of water
2 'sticks' of lemongrass
mint for garnish

Cut off the ends of the lemongrass [I also sliced them lengthwise to help release more flavor] and then smash them with the flat side of your knife. Put the water into a saucepan and toss in the lemongrass.  Bring to a boil - once boiling, turn off the heat, put on a lid, and then 'steep' for 20 minutes.  Drink hot, or once it's cooled down a bit, transfer to a pitcher (discarding the lemongrass) and store in the fridge.  Garnish with some mint leaves if you like.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Same blog - new title

Since this whole blog thing is rather new to me, it took me a little bit to figure out the settings and to come up with (what I hope) is a better title.  Something a bit more... me.  Introducing 'a garufa's journey'.  'Garufa' is a word I learned from my husband, Neil.  I think it really means 'rapscalian' but it also implies 'little hobo' or 'little wanderer'.  Originally, it was a name given to a stray dog he found many years ago and now it's the name of our boat and our home ("Casa Garufa").  I think there's a bit of 'garufa' in all of us really.  We are all wanderers... searching for the right path in life - finding a dead end here; a bridge over there; some folks find the freeways; and others meander along an old country road.  Whatever your preference - or lot in life - it's all a journey.  A garufa's journey.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Paleo Challenge - End of Week 1

After years of coaxing, prodding, sharing, and encouraging from my dear friend, Shasonta, I finally started to listen.  On 31 January 2011, me, my husband, and our other dear friends, Michele and Bart, all kissed conventional eating habits good bye and launched into a Paleo/Primal eating journey.  Good bye bread and pasta.  Hello meat, veggies, and fat (the good ones).  For me, the scale didn't change much, but I certainly could tell that I was just "feeling better".  For my husband, Neil, he probably lost about 15 pounds.  Men!
Then, on 24 October 2011, I took the really big leap and went to my first CrossFit class (something else that Shasonta had been urging me to try).  Not to be alone, I dragged my husband and Michele along for the ride.  It was scary - hell, who am I kidding - it's STILL scary!  But I love it.  It's an addiction of the strangest sort.  (more on that later I guess)
So this "box" (aka: gym) that I belong to is CrossFitX and they have organized a Paleo Challenge... 35 days of clean eating.  We were put into teams of 3 and the goal is that whichever team loses the most body fat wins.  Sounds awesome... let's go!
To be strict Paleo means, in addition to the no bread/no pasta concept,  they take it further to say: no dairy, no sugar, no booze.  WHOA - say what?  But what about my post WOD (crossfit-speak for Workout Of the Day) glass of chocolate milk?  uh uh.  What about those blue cheese crumbles on my beautiful salad?  nope.  And for Heaven's sake... no wine?  Sniff the cork Lady and get over it.
Hmmmmm.... THIS is going to be a challenge!  It is indeed, but I'm a week in and yes, I will admit that I've had a few faltering moments.  But I've also had some successes and it's definitely made me conscious of what I'm eating and the choices before me.  I know once the challenge is over, that I'll go back to my chocolate milk and my cheese, and yes, my wine.  But I will definitely stop and THINK about how much I'm consuming... and maybe even make a different choice.
So, because of the challenge, I've been digging through the cookbooks and blogs to come up with some very  paleo-friendly alternatives to snacks and beverages.  I'll get my act together soon and get those posted, but in the meantime... only 21 days to go!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gettin' creative in the kitchen - basil pesto

Okay -- so my dear friend, Shasonta, introduced me to this fabulous CSA called Acme Farms and Kitchen and I've started ordering their 'Paleo Box'.  Absolutely amazing stuff!  But, you get A LOT so you have to get creative to get it all used up before it ends up in the compost pile.
So this week I received a huge bundle of basil - just how do they grow the leaves that big anyway?  Since I have a few basil plants of my own, I needed to come up with another use for what I received.  Solution?  Pesto!  Super easy, and a great thing to to have handy during the winter when you need a quick sauce.  Started with a basic recipe and then modified a bit (see notes in [xxx]).  I'm still learning the whole take-photos-as-you-go thing, so bear with me....

Basil Pesto
4 cups basil (can substitute 1 cup Italian parsley if you need to stretch your basil supply)  [I just stuffed my 4-cup food processor]
8-10 cloves of garlic [yep - love me the garlic]
Salt and Pepper
[I added a hefty 1/2 cup of toasted pine nuts]
[I added 1/2 cup of shredded parmesan]
1+ cup extra virgin olive oil [started with 1/2 cup and then drizzled in more till I got the consistency I liked]

Put basil, garlic, pine nuts, cheese, salt/pepper and 1/2 cup olive oil in food processor and let her rip.  While the processor is on, drizzle in more olive oil until you like the consistency.

Then spoon into ice cube trays to freeze.  Once frozen, I just transfer them to a ziplock bag and keep in the freezer until I need them.  Toss them into soups or put one or two into a skillet and add some coconut milk for an instant sauce.  Delish!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The challenge begins... on many levels

Today starts the Paleo Challenge... a 35 day challenge to eat 'clean' and to try to lose as much body fat as possible.  It is also the day I begin this blog... a chronicle of a lady on the doorstep of her 45th birthday.  A chance for her to take a look back but more importantly, to take charge of the future.  No more excuses.