Saturday, September 15, 2012

The end of the Paleo Challenge...

I wish I could exclaim that I have wonderful news and that I kicked the challenge's ass, but not this time.  The good news is that I have a newfound awareness of what I eat and how it effects me; and I can happily report that I lost 6.5 pounds.  But as for the fat percentage loss... Well, those numbers were rather baffling.  Oh well.  I know in my heart that what I am doing is right.  To eat wholesome, organic, local foods... To dump the breads and pastas that make me feel horrible for hours after I eat them... And to push myself to walk into that box (gym) at least 4 times a week... These are all steps in the right direction for a happy, healthy life, and I just have to believe that if I keep doing what I'm doing, that someday that damn "muffin top" will be a thing of the past!
There is a great t-shirt I've seen with the saying "stronger than yesterday".  Hell yes I am!

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