Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The port is in place...

January 7, 2014

Is there any way to actually look cute when you're going into surgery? Good grief.

Today was a small surgical procedure to have a 'port' installed in the left side of my chest... basically it's a small device (about the size of a plastic water bottle cap) with a small catheter (or tube) attached. The catheter is guided under my collarbone and fed into one of my larger veins that runs directly to the heart. The port sits just under my skin and will be used by the infusion nurses to administer the chemo, take blood draws, and anything else they think of where they need to 'tap into me'. Basically, it saves them having to stick needles in my arm every week… and you gotta love something that comes with an owner’s manual.  J

The actual procedure went well.  They didn’t put me “out” enough that they had to intubate me, but I was out enough that I don’t remember anything.  Fine by me!

The funny part was when Dr. Kaufman went to talk to Neil after the surgery and asked him:
Dr. K: “does she work out a lot?”
Neil:  “yes, why?”
Dr. K: “her chest muscles were so tough, I had a hard time getting through it… she’s going to be a little sore tomorrow.”

So here’s a shout out to the coaches at CrossFitX for helping to make me ‘Strong Like Bull’.

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