Thursday, December 19, 2013

Warrior Bracelets

A dear friend of mine is a nurse and she also makes jewelry. When I told her of my news, she wanted so much to be my 'private nurse', but since she lives far away, I asked if she could make me a bracelet to wear so that she'll always be "close by".  Her box arrived a couple of days ago and I found not one, but two beautiful bracelets.  I call them my 'warrior bracelets':

So yesterday, I put them on and I headed to my PET/CT scan appointment.  This test will tell us if the cancer has spread and decided to take up residence somewhere else - like my bones, my liver... you get the idea.  The hardest part of this test was the dude trying to get the IV in.. come on!  Don't you do this for a living?  THIRD TIME was a charm (yes, I looked like a pin cushion when I left) and they were finally able to administer some kind of radioactive (!) glucose concoction.  Then they left me to sit in a darkened lead-lined room for a half-hour.  Okay, this is interesting.  After 30 minutes or so, they came to get me and took me to this huge machine that looked like a large doughnut with a bed sticking out of it.  I lay down, and for the next half-hour I get to listen to Jimmy Buffett music while the bed moves back and forth through the doughnut hole.  A bit roomier than the MRI machine and much quieter.
The bracelets and prayers must have worked, because I got a call from one of Dr. Chemo's nurses and was told that the scan came back normal - no more tumors!  Finally!!  Good news!

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