Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Encouragement - it comes from so many sources

Yesterday, I pretty much told the world (or at least everyone that knows me) what I'm going through.  For better or worse... no secrets here.  The emails and notes that I've been receiving since then have been amazing.  What's even more amazing are the sources of some of these prayers and good wishes.  Notes have been forwarded and I'm hearing from people that I never expected to hear from!  How cool is this?  My favorite so far is this one... it is the most honest and encouraging message of the journey to come:

Hey you
OK, no sloppy emails from me!! First, welcome to a club you never wanted to join. I've walked in your shoes 4 1/2 yrs ago with a very aggressive form of prostate cancer. And to really test my resolve, I had a stroke 15 months ago.
Today, I am 100% on both fronts and living a retired life on Hawaii. What got me thru it and what will get you thru it is how you REALLY in at 5 AM and you are lying alone with your thoughts. You can send all the positive emails you want and spend time convincing  other people that you are fine.
But when you are truly alone, you can then discuss with yourself your real thoughts. Allow yourself to have bad days. Allow yourself to ask, "why me". As long as you end those thoughts with, "fuck it, I'm not going to let this beat me regardless of what is thrown at me", then you'll come thru just fine.

I have to say -- I really like the attitude!

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