Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cancer Journey - Oct. 11, 2013

An early morning appointment, and wouldn't you know it.. It's National Mammogram day, so the whole place is in a party atmosphere.  A wonderful lady, Carol, takes me in.  First stop is a mammogram, then on to the ultrasound.  I look at the screen, but it's hard to understand what it is I'm looking at.  When she starts to do some measurements, I realize we probably aren't dealing with a cyst anymore.  Crap.
Carol goes to get the radiologist and while we wait for him, she lets me know that what she found is definitely solid, so we can rule out the cyst idea.  Okay....
The radiologist appears and confirms what Carol just told me.  He wants to schedule a biopsy. Carol lets me know that while all cancers are solid, not all solids are cancer.  Fingers crossed that we're just talking about a benign lump.
Carol turns me over to another marvelous lady, Dorothy, to schedule my biopsy.  Dorothy has been thru the biopsy procedure herself and assures me that it's really not that bad, but if I have any questions at all, just give her a personal call.  It's Friday, so the earliest she can get me schedules is the following Tuesday.  The waiting game begins.


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