A year ago today, I heard the words 'you have cancer'. My, what a year it's been. Yesterday was (fingers crossed) the final surgery... a "laparoscopic bilateral salpingoopherectomy". In other words, I had my ovaries and tubes removed as a preventative measure against developing ovarian cancer, and as part of the post-breast cancer maintenance program to limit the amount of estrogen my body produces, since my kind of breast cancer uses estrogen as a fuel. No fuel = No cancer. Or at least, that's the theory.
I've spent the last year with one primary focus: Getting rid of the cancer and doing everything possible to better my odds so that it never returns. A whole year governed by doctor's appointments, treatments, and procedures. A whole year dominated by one thought and one thought only -- 'beat the cancer'. To now be 'done' seems rather strange.
So, what now? I hope what comes next is spending the next year getting back to the activity and strength level I had a year ago. I also hope that the word 'cancer' starts to become less of a day-to-day topic.
So who am I now? I'm definitely not the same person I was a year ago. I have become stronger in other ways; I look at the world differently with a new set of filters; I have less patience for drama and instead try to see the beauty in others and in the world around me; Family, friends, time with my pets, and service towards others is what is important. I want to take my cancer experience and try to help someone else that might be afraid and in need. To share my story so that they can gain strength that someone has walked this path and survived. I started as a Warrior - now I'm a Survivor. But I don't want to just 'survive'. I want to 'thrive'. So that will be my goal for the next year, 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. Look out world -- here I come!